The Wooden Dog
Unfinished Business
Charleston, SC 29412
United States
ph: (843) 795-4149
Some of the may lighthouses that grace the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. All are handcrafted from imported Finnish birch, come with a red ribbon and are protected in a zippered bag. A write-up of the history of each light is included.
(top L-R) Georgetown, SC, Morris Island, SC (bottom L-R) Portland Head, ME, Hunting Island, SC. Ornaments come with a write up as to the history of the lighthouse. All in this picture are $9.50 + S & H
(top L-R) Assateague light, VA., Tybee Island light, GA. Cape Lookout, NC, (center L-R): Cape Romaine light, McClellanville, SC, Cape Hatteras, NC, Fire Island light, NY.
bottom L-R): Bald Head Island light, Nc, Oak Island light, NC
Unfinished Business
Charleston, SC 29412
United States
ph: (843) 795-4149